The Human Cardiovascular Physiology Lab is located in the Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences at the University of Guelph and is led by Dr. Philip Millar. Our group focuses on understanding the integrative mechanisms which control muscle sympathetic outflow and the resultant effects on blood pressure regulation. We have interests in exercise and nutritional interventions as therapeutic strategies to target increased sympathetic activity characteristic of many cardiovascular disease states.
We are also actively involved in training the next generation of leading scientists with opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral trainees.

- Thank you to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada for funding our 2022-23 grant application studying neural control of blood pressure following cannabis inhalation! Stay tuned for the exciting results!
- Congratulations to Jordan Lee for defending his PhD
- Case Studies in Physiology: Sympathetic neural discharge patterns in a healthy young male during end-expiratory breath hold-induced sinus pause
- Within-breath sympathetic baroreflex sensitivity is modulated by lung volume but unaffected by acute intermittent hypercapnic hypoxia in men
- Looking beyond the mean: Are racial differences in beat-to-beat blood pressure variability among young men a harbinger for future cardiovascular risk?